Lullaby Machine
B Bornstein

There Will Always Be A Parade

by Benjamina Bornstein

This is a song I wrote for friends and family to help us go to sleep on the night of the 2024 election. It was intended to remind us of things that would remain on the other side no matter the outcome.

A red flag will flap outside your window
& a song will crash through like a wave.
A thundering drum will raise you out of bed
& the crowd and you will shout into the night.

& there will always be a parade.
There will always be a crowd.
There will always be some fascist to back down.

& then you will go out walking in the dawn
& the breeze will catch your skirt
& you will breathe free of fear.
& you will squeeze your lover's hand
& listen to their wisdom
& you will think: "what the fuck was I so frightened for?"


Then you will go to sleep,
a sleep that swims through night,
while you are held by those
who choose to love you well.
& your worry will lay it self some where in the dark
where it dissolves
knowing you will rise to meet what comes.

There will always be a parade.
There will always be a crowd.
There will always be a power
in the morning.

Benjamina Bornstein is a musician, writer and artist living in Santa Fe, NM. She has toured puppet shows and been a part of theaters as a teacher, performer and arts organizer throughout the United States. She is currently studying to be an Expressive Arts Therapist at Prescott College.

Benjamina Bornstein

images by benjamina bornstein & sal chaneles